Health & Beauty Lifestyle

Total wellness immersion at JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa

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Wellness is as much about the mind as it is about the body. That’s why the guests of the 4th annual “Reboot and Re-energize Your Body & Mind” at JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa were invited to immerse themselves in the wellness experience, totally.

This total immersion begun with the smartphones, which had to be switched to “airplane mode”, to encourage the participants to concentrate on “here and now” and help them avoid spending time in digital space.

To take one of the basic bodily needs of the participants’ minds – food – all meals were created by JW Marriott’s  Executive Chef, Dietmar Spitzer in team withy Linda Overman – the Director of Mandara Spa. Together they came up with  a healthy concept,  suitable for all ages and delicious at the same time.

1Gentle rise & shine PULSE: movement as medicine with Hayden Rhodes

With their bodies and minds in tune, the participants could take full advantage of the four days program, featuring classes by three esteemed coaches, namely Hayden Rhodes of RPM Health Club, a nutrition specialist Craig Burton and a famous Yoga practitioner Kim White.

Those who attended gained insight into meditation, yoga and personal nutrition and learned how to integrate those in their daily lives. Stress management and body detoxification were also part of the curriculum and in the most practical sense – participant learned how to cut down on sugar, create a healthy breakfast menu, take control of their stress levels through breathing exercises and more.

Rested mind sponges up knowledge way more effectively, which is why sessions at Mattiott’s Mandara SPA and strolls down the beach were an integral part of the experience as well. Next wellness workshops at JW Marriott will take place in May and September 2017. Each 4 days event welcomes only 15-20 participants for a truly VIP treatment.


For more information contact Mandara Spa director; Linda Overman via email at, on +66 7633 8000 ext. 3752 or logon to


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