Luxury Yachts

Sailing adventure on Maxim Zhivov’s house

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Looking for a perfect plot of land for a house? There’s no need. Maxim Zhivov’s conceptual super-yacht brings together yacht design and architecture combining a comfortable residence with a luxury boat.

Due to its prominent and eye-catching nose, Zhivov vessel’s appearance resembles  a classic rum-runner while its back is opened for spectacular scenery view and water access. Though what really shines at the back end is a small garden area adding to the residential  style of the boat.

Beside aesthetic elements, sustainability and energy efficiency are  highlighted in the yacht’s design. Maxim Zhivov focused on forwarding environment friendly technology with the application of solar energy throughout the design and including transforming capabilities that alter multiple sections of the craft.

This very futuristic looking yacht is only a concept for the time being but one can dream for it to become reality – stranger things have happened.


– Images are credited to Maxim Zhivov – 


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