
Jati Keeps Dreaming

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There’s a universe where everything is possible. The laws of nature don’t apply there and nor does logic. In this place, the unexpected lurks behind every corner and paradox is the norm. Usually hidden in the land of our dreams, this surreal place is now brought to daylight, through Jati Putra’s graphics.


Many – in fact all elements of Jati Putra’s visual jigsaws are quite familiar – there are mountains and oceans there, cities and forests; the elements used by this Jakarta based artist are as casual as they get, and his favorite technique of photo manipulation seems to have been perfected beyond improvement. But then Jati rolls out his biggest gun – imagination.

With it, he begins to alter reality. Angles bent in unexpected ways, worlds intermingle, physics starts playing tricks and what results are images of the same mind boggling quality as Oscar Reutersvärd’s Penrose triangle or M.C. Escher’s Impossible cube. Yes, Jati’s landscapes are abnormal and absurd, yet feel strangely natural and make one wish they existed in reality.


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